Single article

DOI: 10.47026/2413-4864-2022-4-37-46

Makushkina О.А., Golenkova V.A.

Clinical and Social Characteristics and Features of Biochemical Indicators in Persons with Mental Disorders WHO Have Committed Violent Crimes

Keywords: mental disorders, violent crimes, socially dangerous actions against a person, biological psychiatry, neurotransmitters, hormones

The relevance of the study is conditioned by the need to develop effective methods to prevent public danger arising from persons suffering from mental disorders, with identification of factors that influence aggressive behavior formation in order to improve measures to prevent crimes related to violence. the purpose of this work was to study the socio-demographic, clinical and psychopathological features and biochemical parameters in persons with mental disorders who committed violent crimes. the scientific novelty is determined by the importance of establishing the features of the complex influence of clinical, biological and social factors on the tendency to heteroaggression, the lack of scientifically substantiated data on the role of neurotransmitter and hormonal systems in aggressive behavior formation in patients with severe forms of mental pathology. Materials and methods. the research sample consisted of 100 respondents aged 18 to 60 years with a verified diagnosis of a severe mental disorder and the fact of criminal prosecution for violent crimes. the clinical features of the patients were evaluated using a clinical-psychopathological method with identification of the leading characteristics in psychopathological symptoms and syndromes. Standardized assessment of clinical characteristics was provided by the use of the psychometric methodology "Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale" (PANSS), the methodology "Structured Assessment of Unsafe Behavior Risk" (SOROP). for laboratory testing, blood and urine samples were used to determine the levels of serotonin, dopamine, cortisol, testosterone, free T3 (free T3), estradiol. Results. the most common clinical and social characteristics of persons with severe mental disorders and persistent aggressive criminal behavior were identified and described. in the majority of respondents, the indicators of the neurotransmitter system (serotonin, dopamine levels) were found to differ significantly from the reference values. a negative correlation was determined between serotonin excretion and the sum of points according to SOROP technique, as well as the subscale of aggression, which is part of the indicators in PANSS technique. Conclusions. the obtained data contribute to understanding the nature of heteroaggression in persons with mental disorders, indicating the need for further studying the relationship of social, clinical and biological parameters, determining their role in aggressive behavior formation in this contingent of patients.


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About authors

Makushkina Oxana A.
Junior Researcher, Department of Prevention and Monitoring of Psychiatric Services, National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbsky, Russia, Moscow (; ORCID:
Golenkova Valeriya A.
Junior Researcher, Department of Prevention and Monitoring of Psychiatric Services, National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbsky, Russia, Moscow (; ORCID:

Article link

Makushkina О.А., Golenkova V.A. Clinical and Social Characteristics and Features of Biochemical Indicators in Persons with Mental Disorders WHO Have Committed Violent Crimes [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2022. – №4. P. 37-46. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2413-4864-2022-4-37-46.