Single article

DOI: 10.47026/2413-4864-2022-3-29-35

Nikitina L.I., Gromova A.S.

Dental Rehabilitation of Patients with Complete (Secondary) Adentia Using Dental Implants

Keywords: completely absent dentition, dental implantation, treatment methods: "All-on-2", "All-on-4", "All-on-6", overdenture restoration, removable denture, ball attachment, matrix, Procera Implant Bridge frame structure

According to modern research, the diagnosis of complete (secondary) adentia is widespread among people aged 40 and older. The article presents clinical methods of an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of patients with complete (secondary) adentia, who had teeth completely missing on one of the jaws, and teeth or orthopedic structures on the opposite jaw. The article presents the results of the study confirming clinical effectiveness of using the methods of implantological treatment with the use of two, four and six dental implants for fixing non-removable dentures and overdenture orthopedic restorations. To achieve this goal, 34 patients were examined. Of these, there were 14 men and 20 women aged 45 to 75. 132 dental implants were mounted: Astra Tech, Nobel Biocare, MIS, Straumann. The control group consisted of ten persons; they were made complete removable laminar dentures. The study was conducted for 1 to 10 years; it demonstrates the clinical effectiveness of orthopedic treatment with the use of dental implants according to all the three methods.


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About authors

Nikitina Louise I.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Propeadeutics of Dental Diseases and New Technologies, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Gromova Anna S.
Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Propeadeutics of Dental Diseases and New Technologies, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Nikitina L.I., Gromova A.S. Dental Rehabilitation of Patients with Complete (Secondary) Adentia Using Dental Implants [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2022. – №3. P. 29-35. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2413-4864-2022-3-29-35.