Single article

Diomidova V.N., Abyzov I.N., Anyurov S.A., Razbirina E.A., Fedorova N.V.

Effectiveness of Emergency Ultrasound Diagnostics in Providing Emergency Medical Care for Injuries

Keywords: emergency ultrasound examination, multiple trauma, ambulance

The purpose of the study is to study the diagnostic effectiveness of emergency ultra-sound diagnostics in providing emergency medical care to casualties with multiple injuries. The results of emergency ultrasound examinations of 129 people were retrospectively analyzed; the casualties were admitted with multiple injuries to the emergency department of the Budget Institution "Emergency Medical Care Hospital" of Public Health Ministry of Chuvashia, where the first group (N1; n = 44) included patients who underwent ultrasound for urgent indications in 2017, the second (N2; n = 58) – in 2018, the third N3 (n = 28) – in 2019. There were 89 men (68.9%) and 40 women (31.01%). The age range of patients was from 18 to 80 years (the average age was 43.9±6.7 years). All patients underwent an ultrasound examination (US) for urgent indications (Sonoscape S20 scanner). It is established that the FAST Protocol system shows high efficiency in traumatic damage of the thoracic, abdominal, pelvic and retroperitoneal cavities and is recommended for introduction into the mandatory diagnostic algorithm of examination for all types of injuries at the first stage of emergency medical care.


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About authors

Diomidova Valentina N.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with a Course of Radiation Diagnostics, Chuvash State University; Head of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, City Clinical Hospital № 1, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Abyzov Ildar N.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of General Surgery and Oncology, Chuvash State University; Chief Medical Officer, Emergency Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary )
Anyurov Sergey A.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Surgical Diseases, Chuvash State University; Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Emergency Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Razbirina Ekaterina A.
Student of Medical Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Fedorova Nataliya V.
Head of the Ultrasound Department, Emergency Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary )

Article link

Diomidova V.N., Abyzov I.N., Anyurov S.A., Razbirina E.A., Fedorova N.V. Effectiveness of Emergency Ultrasound Diagnostics in Providing Emergency Medical Care for Injuries [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2020. – №2. P. 8-14. – URL: