Single article

Danilova I., Abrzhin D., Kriuchkova E., Tsareva E., Pavlova S.

Interest 3rd Year Medical Students in Studying the Discipline "Pharmacology"

Keywords: pharmacology, teaching, students, specialty "General Medicine", training, motivation, questioning

The article presents the results of the study using the method of continuous written anonymous survey of third-year students of the medical faculty majoring in "General Medicine". Students were asked questions about the goals that they set for themselves in studying the discipline "Pharmacology" and studying at the faculty of medicine in general, about the ways to get ready for classes and satisfaction with the training process in general. 20,3% of young people and 18,2% of third-year girls are studying at the University because of external reasons. 26,1% of young people and 25,4% of girls in the study of "Pharmacology" seek only to pass the exam in the discipline; this index is higher among «working" students.” Pharmacology" is among the most important subjects: the discipline takes the first-second place in priority among other disciplines of the third year. 46,6% of young men and 49,3% of girls put "Pharmacology" in the first place in terms of the complexity of its studying. 37,8% of girls associate difficulties in mastering the discipline with complexity of the subject, 32,7% – with lack of time. 23,5% of young men and 19,2% of girls believe that they lack knowledge in other basic disciplines. Difficulties with mastering the subject are not related to the peculiarities of human resources: 79,5% of young men and 75,6% of girls rate their teachers at 5 points by a 5-point scale. Most students get ready for laboratory classes in "Pharmacology" during a few days (48,9% of young men, 40,8% of girls) or the day before (37,5% of young men, 54,2% of girls). About 20% of young people do not prepare enough or do not get ready at all.


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About authors

Danilova Irina M.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Biochemistry, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Abrzhin Dmitrii
4rd Year Student of Medical Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )
Kriuchkova Elena
4rd Year Student of Medical Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )
Tsareva Ekaterina
4rd Year Student of Medical Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )
Pavlova Svetlana I.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Biochemistry, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Danilova I., Abrzhin D., Kriuchkova E., Tsareva E., Pavlova S. Interest 3rd Year Medical Students in Studying the Discipline “Pharmacology” [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2019. – №3. P. 43-52. – URL: