Single article

Yakusheva L.

Hormone-dependent mechanisms in development of inflammatory destructive processes in periodontal tissues

Keywords: inflammatory destructive periodontal disease, chronic generalized periodontitis, bone tissue, osteoporosis, endocrine control

During the past decades a considerable amount of new data regarding aetiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases has become available as a result of new experimental and clinical research in this area. An increasingly large role in pathogenesis of chronic and generalized periodontitis is given to endocrine control. This article provides analytical scientific review of literature data concerning interconnection between hormone level and periodontal disease. Studying the endocrine control is a promising approach in sphere of creating new diagnostic methods and assessing the dental status in patients with somatic diseases and substantiating new approaches to develop therapeutic-preventive activities.


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About authors

Yakusheva Liya Valerievna
candidate of medical sciences, propedeutics of dental diseases and new technologies department assistant, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Yakusheva L. Hormone-dependent mechanisms in development of inflammatory destructive processes in periodontal tissues [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2019. – №2. P. 29-43. – URL: