Single article

Yakovlev P.

Ovarian aromatase activity in the pathogenesis of normogonadotropic anovulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome and its effect on IVF protocols

Keywords: ovarian aromatase, polycystic ovarian syndrome, in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Identification of factors influencing the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies is an urgent and important objective. The article examines contemporary views on participation of ovarian aromatase activity in the pathogenesis of normogonadotropic anovulation and its effect on IVF protocols. A change in the activity of ovarian aromatase plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the normogonadotropic anovulation development. Polymorphism of CYP 19 gene results in changing the activity of ovarian aromatase and affects an IVF protocol parameters. Development of non-invasive techniques for determining ovarian aromatase activity will make it possible to predict the effectiveness of extracorporal fertilization protocols in medical practice.


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About authors

Yakovlev Pavel Pavlovich
assisted reproductive technology department graduate student, Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction, Russia, Moscow (; )

Article link

Yakovlev P. Ovarian aromatase activity in the pathogenesis of normogonadotropic anovulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome and its effect on IVF protocols [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2018. – №2. P. 42-49. – URL: