UDC: 616.441-073.43
BBC: Р415.12-439
Timofeeva L., Aleshina T.
Diagnostic tactics with palpable thyroid abnormalities based on TI-RADS system
Keywords: thyroid gland, palpable abnormalities, multi-parametric ultrasonic examination, TI-RADS system, fine-needle aspiration biopsy
The purpose of this work is evaluation of effectiveness in using TI-RADS ultrasonic classification when generating diagnostic tactics in patients with palpable thyroid abnormalities. All patients had ultrasound examination performed using modern methods and technologies by standard protocol of thyroid gland examination. After that differentiation of palpable thyroid abnormalities by TI-RADS system was carried out. By examination data results, out of total number (2076) 1011 patients were classified as TI-RADS 2 (48,7%), 310 patients – as TI-RADS 3 (14,93%), 473 patients – as TI-RADS 4а (22,78%), 116 patients – as TI-RADS 4b (5,59%), 166 patients – as TI-RADS 5 (8,0%). Depending on attributed TI-RADS category and taking into account recommendations given by TI-RADS Committee of the American College of Radiology (ACR TI-RADS), FNAB was carried out in 584 patients, of which in 296 cases thyroid cancer was identified. Application of TI-RADS classification in diagnosis of palpable thyroid abnormalities led to increased sensitivity to 95%, specificity to 90,1%, diagnostic accuracy up to 91%. Using TI-RADS classification by practitioners will give the opportunity to recognize the most clinically significant mass thyroid lesions and clearly determine indications for FNAB performing.
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About authors
- Aleshina Tatiana N.
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with a Course of Radiation Diagnostics, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (brunetka08-87@mail.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5068-7598)
- Timofeeva Lubov Anatolievna
- candidate of medical sciences, internal medicine propedeutics with the course of radiation diagnosis department associate professor , Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (adabai@mail.ru; )
Article link
Timofeeva L., Aleshina T. Diagnostic tactics with palpable thyroid abnormalities based on TI-RADS system [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2017. – №4. P. 37-44. – URL: https://acta-medica-eurasica.ru/en/single/2017/4/6/.