Single article

Orlov F.

Psychotherapy of a fobic disorder combined with atopic dermatitis (Clinical Case)

Keywords: specific nosophobias, atopic dermatitis, cognitive psychotherapy, personalty-oriented psychotherapy

Mental disorders, accompanied by somatic disorders, are an actual problem in medicine. Clinical peculiarity of these disorders requires individualization of treatment and taking into account personality characteristics and syndromic structure of the disease. As an example, a clinical case of a patient with specific nosophobias and atopic dermatitis in a person having hysteroid and psychasthenic characteristics is described. This clinical case demonstrates the use of client-centered and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy with integration into the system of pathogenetic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy turned out to be a clinically effective non-drug treatment method for both phobic disorders and skin pathology.


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About authors

Orlov Fedor V.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Prodessor, Department of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Neurology, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Orlov F. Psychotherapy of a fobic disorder combined with atopic dermatitis (Clinical Case) [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2017. – №3. P. 25-31. – URL: