Single article

Deomidov E., Sorokin E., Mylova A., Chalkina Yа.

Cases of patients’ aggressive behaviour according to the poll of emergency medical service workers

Keywords: ambulance, health care professionals, aggressive behavior

The article analyzes cases of patients’ aggression when rendering emergency medical service in Cheboksary. Questionnaire survey using an adapted earlier questionnaire of 55 health workers of emergency medical service (men – 34, women – 21) aged from 21 years old to 60 years old (among them 34 persons younger than 30 years old) was carried out. 96.4% of paramedics faced threatened violence or aggression in the course of their work, among them 89.1% faced verbal and physical aggression, 7.3% faced only verbal aggression. Aggressive behavior of patients is connected with the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol), cognitive disturbances, provocative behavior of relatives and people around. Aggressive behavior is a very widespread phenomenon faced by all ambulance workers. There is a need for development of materials for the best awareness and readiness of health workers to resist aggression.


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About authors

Deomidov Evgeny Sergeevich
candidate of medical sciences, psychiatry, medical psychology and neurology department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Sorokin Evgeny Anatolievich
medical faculty 6th year student, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Mylova Anna Yurievna
medical faculty 5th year student, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Chalkina Yana Sergeevna
reception and addresses transmission nurse, Emergency Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Deomidov E., Sorokin E., Mylova A., Chalkina Yа. Cases of patients’ aggressive behaviour according to the poll of emergency medical service workers [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2017. – №1. P. 32-36. – URL: