Single article

Nikulina A.

System approach to optimization of mechanisms of adaptation of junior students to training conditions in Higher Education Institution

Keywords: students, adaptation, selenodefitsit, «Selenes+», physical activity, light therapy

Aim of scientific substantiation of physiological approach system to improvement of 1-2 courses students' adaptation of to training conditions in the higher school by means of use biologically active substances «Selenes+» active agent, physical activity and a preventive light therapy is set. We used modern physical methods of studying the anthropometric indicators, as well as hematological and biochemical profiles of the organism. Efficiency of system approach to optimization of physiological mechanisms of adaptation of students taking into account regional features of microelement security; social and economic conditions; features of teaching process in higher education; to an assessment of a condition of functional systems before, during and after influence of the modelled factors is shown.


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About authors

Nikulina Anna Vitalievna
candidate of biological sciences, agricultural chemistry and ecology department associate professor, Chuvash State Agricultural Academy, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Nikulina A. System approach to optimization of mechanisms of adaptation of junior students to training conditions in Higher Education Institution [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2015. – №4. P. 24-28. – URL: