Single article

Stanko Eduard P., Igumnov Sergey A.

Assessment of Psychological Risks of Recurrence of the Disease in HIV-Infected Patients with Dependence on Opioids

Keywords: HIV infection, opioid dependence, psychological indicators, psychopathological condition, relative risk

Understanding the nature of the relationship between the manifestations of HIV infection, combined with opioid dependence, psychological indicators of the functional state of HIV-positive drug users (HPD) and the risk of their recurrence of anesthesia is necessary to identify precursors of relapse and to choose an adequate therapeutic effect. Objective – to study the risk of disease recurrence depending on the psychological parameters of the functional state of HIV-positive patients with opioid dependence. 376 HPD and 445 HIV-negative drug users (HND) were examined. To study satisfaction with quality of life (QOL) used the SF-36 questionnaire, assessing the psychopathological condition (PPC) – a questionnaire SCL-90-R, assessing the craving for the drugs (CD) is a clinical scale of evaluation of the severity of CD, evaluation of disorders of social functioning (SF), a rating scale SF (SSF). Indicators of relative risk showed a direct relationship between the probability of development in HPD relapse of the disease and low levels of components of QL: physical; psychological; emotional role and physical functioning, perception of General Health, as well as components of SF: critical abilities; contacts with friends; family relations, the ability to take care of loved ones, to structure their free time; the integral index SF; high level of affective disorders; aggressive behavior and psycho-organic disorders; high values of the PPS overall severity index and major components of PPP: somatization; depression; anxiety, hostility; phobic anxiety and psychotism; a high level of PVN and its components: ideational disorders; anxiety; dysphoria; reduced mood; behavioral disorders and emotional liability. Psychological indicators of the functional state of the HPD, characterized by a low level of satisfaction with QOL and SF, the high level of PPP and MPP are the leading risk factors for relapse of the disease, can serve as the HPD of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and quality of remission.


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About authors

Stanko Eduard P.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology, Grodno State Medical University, Belarus, Grodno (; )
Igumnov Sergey A.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Narcology, National Scientific Center for Narcology – a Branch of the National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbsky, Russia, Moscow (; )

Article link

Stanko Eduard P., Igumnov Sergey A. Assessment of Psychological Risks of Recurrence of the Disease in HIV-Infected Patients with Dependence on Opioids [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2020. – №1. P. 18-28. – URL: