Single article

Sergeeva V., Gordova V.

Genesis of the morphological school of professor Dina Semyonovna Gordon (scientific and historical overview)

Keywords: histology, academic staff, scientific schools of morphologists, tissues, Dina Semyonovna Gordon

The article presents a scientific and historical review devoted to the genesis of scientific school of Professor Dina Semenovna Gordon, a graduate of Ivanovo medical Institute. The school of Chuvash morphologists was formed during fifty years, and its peculiarity is using luminescent-histochemical methods for detecting neurotransmitter biogenic amines in organs and tissues. Several generations of scientists followed Moscow branch of histological school, which originated from Alexander Ivanovich Babukhin, the head of the first histology department in Russia. It is shown in what way continuity of scientific interests’ areas over time is maintained, at this initial research interests transform depending on methods of research used. Continuity is also observed in using pedagogical techniques and methods that are needed not only for teaching histology as a subject, but for educating future doctors and pedagogical academic staff as well.


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  24. Sergeeva V.E., Gordova V.S. K yubileyu Diny Semenovny Gordon[On the anniversary of Dina Semyonovna Gordon]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2017, vol. 151, no. 2, pp. 95–96.
  25. Sergeeva V.E., Gordova V.S. Poisk odarennykh studentov pri podgotovke kvalifitsirovannykh nauchno-pedagogicheskikh kadrov dlya prepodavaniya morfologicheskikh distsiplin meditsinskikh spetsial’nostei [Search for gifted students in the preparation of qualified scientific and pedagogical staff for teaching morphological disciplines of medical specialties]. Voprosy morfologii XXI veka. Vyp. 5. Gistogenez, reaktivnost’, regeneratsiya tkanei [Questions of morphology of the XXI century. Issue 5. Histogenesis, reactivity, tissue regeneration]. St. Petersburg, TEAN Publ., 2018, pp. 306–308.
  26. Sergeeva V.E., Gordova V.S. Sozvuchie nauchnykh dush: cheta Gordon v stanovlenii i razvitii Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. I.N. Ul’yanova [Consonance of scientific souls: a couple of Gordon in formation and development of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulianova]. Paradigmy universitetskoi istorii i perspektivy universitetologii (k 50-letiyu ChGU im. I.N. Ul’yanova): sb. st. [Paradigms of University History and the Prospects of University Studies (to the 50th anniversary of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulianov): a collection of articles]. Cheboksary, Sreda Publ., 2017, vol. 1, pp. 424–428.
  27. Sergeeva V.E., Gordova V.S., Gordon D.S. Lyuminestsentnaya gistokhimiya biogennych aminov v morfofunktsional’nom sostojanii organov i tkanei v eksperimente (nauchno-istoricheskij obzor) [Luminescent histochemistry of biogenic amines in the morphofunctional state of organs and tissues in an experiment (scientific and historical review)]. Acta medica Eurasica. no. 3. pp. 39–49. Available at:
  28. Sergeeva V.E., Gordova V.S., Bondarenko V.F., Solov’eva L.M. Pon’atie o structure I funktsii pri osvoenii gistologii i normal’noj fiziologii [The concept of structure and function in the development of histology and normal physiology]. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy vysshego obrazovaniya: opyt razvitiya sovremennykh mnogoprofil’nykh vuzov: sb. materialov IХ ucheb.-metod. konf. [Proc. of IX Int. Educational and Methodical Conf. «Possibilities and prospects of higher education: the experience of the development of modern multidisciplinary universities»]. Cheboksary, Chuvash State University Publ., 2017, pp. 292–294.
  29. Spirin I.V., Sergeeva V.E. Kolebanie kontsentratsii serotonina, katecholovykh aminov I gistamina v structurakh timusa pri vvedenii somatotropnogo gormona [Fluctuation of the concentration of serotonin, catecholamines and histamine in the thymic structures during introduction of somatotropic hormone]. Babukhinskie chteniya. Orel. 2005: materialy 4-i nauch.-prakt. Konf. [Proc. of Sci. and Pract. Conf. «Babukhin Readings. Orel. 2005»]. Moscow, Retinoidy Publ., 2005, p. 129.
  30. Yalaletdinova L.R., Gordova V.S., Yastrebova S.A., Sergeeva V.E. Neiroimmunomoduliruyushchie svoistva khorionicheskogo gonadotropina [Neuroimmunomodulating properties of the chorionic gonadotropin]. Cheboksary, Chuvash State University Publ., 2016, 148 p.

About authors

Gordova Valentina S.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department
of Fundamental Medicine, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia, Kaliningrad (; ORCID:
Sergeeva Valentina E.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Department of Medical Biology with a course in Microbiology and Virology, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Sergeeva V., Gordova V. Genesis of the morphological school of professor Dina Semyonovna Gordon (scientific and historical overview) [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2018. – №3. P. . – URL: