UDC: 616.366–089.87
BBC: Р 457.445.52
Katanov E., Anyurov S., Moskvichev E., Krasnova A.
Biliary leaks after cholecystectomy
Keywords: biliary leaks, cholecystectomy
Were presented the results of treatment 2893 patients after removal gallbladder about acute and chronic cholecystitis. The changes in biochemical parameters were analyzed in 331 patients, dynamics of bile excretion on drainage of common bile duct – in 101 patients, functional activity of hepatocytes – in 86 patients. Bile leakage after surgery was diagnosed in 46 patients. In the experiment on 21 rats were comparatively studied methods of prevention of bile leakage from liver injury with using of a U-shaped seam, «Tachocomb» plate and glue «BioGlue». New data of the etiology of bile leakage was obtained. Patients that ware operated about acute cholecystitis have more higher secretion of bile by the liver than after cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. One of the reasons prevalence of complications after emergency cholecystectomy is the higher pressure in the liver ducts. Adhesive compositions provide the lowest impermeability of liver injury on the fourth day of postoperative period.
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About authors
- Katanov Evgeny Stepanovich
- doctor of medical sciences, surgical diseases department professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (katanove@mail.ru; )
- Anyurov Sergey A.
- Assistant Lecturer, Department of Surgical Diseases, Chuvash State University; Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Emergency Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary (anurov78@mail.ru; )
- Moskvichev Evgeny V.
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with Operative Surgery, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (Moskvichev@rambler.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2850-5487)
- Krasnova Anna Vladimirovna
- surgical diseases department graduate student , Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (colorsit21@mail.ru; )
Article link
Katanov E., Anyurov S., Moskvichev E., Krasnova A. Biliary leaks after cholecystectomy [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2016. – №1. P. 14-22. – URL: https://acta-medica-eurasica.ru/en/single/2016/1/2/.