Single article

Gazymov M., Filippov D., Gusev R., Kostina T., Volkov A.

Chronic renal failure as a consequence of bladder diverticulum

Keywords: bladder diverticulum, diagnostics, chronic renal failure

16 patients having bladder diverticulum, including 5 children, who underwent timely diagnostics preventing the possibility of developing renal failure, passed surgical treatment. All adult patients (11 patients) were diagnosed already at the stage of complications in the form of chronic kidney failure due to low-symptomatic manifestations of the disease and incomplete examination of patients.


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About authors

Filippov David Stanislavovich
candidate of medical sciences, general surgery and oncology department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )
Gazymov Minvaley Mingaleevich
doctor of medical sciences, general surgeons and oncology department professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Gusev Roman Victorovich
candidate of medical sciences, urological unit head, City Pediatric Hospital № 3, Russia, Cheboksary )
Kostina Tatiana
children's doctor urologist-andrologist, Republican Pediatric Clinical Hospital, Russia, Cheboksary )
Volkov Anatoly Nikandrovich
doctor of medical sciences, surgical diseases department professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )

Article link

Gazymov M., Filippov D., Gusev R., Kostina T., Volkov A. Chronic renal failure as a consequence of bladder diverticulum [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2017. – №3. P. 13-17. – URL: