Single article

Matoshina I.V., Kralya O.V.

Some features of modeling the main preventive measures for borderline mental disorders in the conditions of implementing the educational process in a remote format

Keywords: coronavirus, COVID-19, distance learning, analog education, distance training, borderline mental disorders, stress, psychosomatics

The current stage in the development of society in general and science in particular is characterized by rapid accumulation of information, at this the speed of its accumulation increases with each decade. In order to implement a high-quality educational process in accordance with modern scientific knowledge, as well as for students to perform scientific research in medical training, new forms and methods of transferring information and knowledge from the teacher to the student are necessary. The transition from analog to distance learning solves a huge number of problems associated with obtaining knowledge, but, in turn, is a significant stress factor for students and for the teaching staff. It is necessary to take measures to prevent the formation of psychopathological and psychosomatic post-stress reactions in distance learning, both among students and teachers. An effectively organized process of distance medical training, based on the analysis of research results in this field and neurophysiology, can be an independent factor in the prevention of psychosomatic and anxiety disorders in medical students.


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About authors

Matoshina Irina V.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Faculty Therapy, Occupational Diseases, Omsk State Medical University, Russia, Omsk (; )
Kralya Oleg V.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Master of Psychology, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Omsk State Medical University, Russia, Omsk (; )

Article link

Matoshina I.V., Kralya O.V. Some features of modeling the main preventive measures for borderline mental disorders in the conditions of implementing the educational process in a remote format [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2020. – №2. P. 23-35. – URL: