Single article

Fedorov N., Karpova A., Ryumin I.

Cervical Cancer: Dynamics of Morbidity and Mortality of the Female Population of the Southern Tyumen Region for the Period 2014–2018

Keywords: cancer, malignant cervical neoplasm, cervical cancer, cancer register, epidemiology, morbidity, mortality

The article analyzes the dynamics of morbidity and mortality in cervical cancer according to the population cancer register of Tyumen region and the Russian Federation for the period from 2014 to 2018. In the south of Tyumen region, positive dynamics was established among patients with early stages of cervical cancer. An increase in relative ("rough") morbidity rates is noted, they grew from 24.39 in 2014 to 26.95 per 100 thousand of population in 2018, respectively. At the same time there is an increase in the proportion of patients during preventive examinations: 46,11% (2014) and 54.76% (2018). The authors revealed that the proportion of patients with stage I-II from the number of patients with the first diagnosis in life tends to increase: 71,82% (2014) and 78,10% (2018). However, when analyzing the dynamics of incidence of advanced cervical cancer, the proportion of patients in this category is noted to have a tendency to decrease: 28,18% (2014) and 21,70%. (2018). This statistical picture in a certain way makes it clear that progressive changes are noted in organization of diagnostic activities and in technical equipment for examining persons with cervical cancer. Unfortunately, the five-year survival rate of patients with this pathology in the south of Tyumen region decreased: 66,73% (2014) and 63,41% (2018). The "rough» death rate from cervical cancer increased significantly: from 133,9 per 100,000 of population in 2014 to 144,6 per 100,000 of population in 2018, the one-year mortality rate increased as well: from 10,06% (2014) to 10,80% (2018). However, reduction of such a parameter as the ratio of one-year mortality rate from cervical cancer to advanced stage (stage IV) from 0,7 (2017) to 0,5 (2018) clearly indicates a decrease in the frequency of clinical and diagnostic defects in assessing the tumor process prevalence in patients of this category. The obtained and analyzed statistical data on cervical cancer reflect the progress in early detection, diagnosis and treatment of this type of malignant neoplasm of the female reproductive system.


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About authors

Фёдоров Николай Михайлович
кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры онкологии с курсом урологии, Tyumen State Medical University, Russia, Tyumen (; )
Карпова Анастасия Андреевна
клинический ординатор кафедры онкологии с курсом урологии, Tyumen State Medical University, Russia, Tyumen (; )
Рюмин Илья Владимирович
клинический ординатор кафедры неврологии и нейрохирургии, Tyumen State Medical University, Russia, Tyumen (; )

Article link

Fedorov N., Karpova A., Ryumin I. Cervical Cancer: Dynamics of Morbidity and Mortality of the Female Population of the Southern Tyumen Region for the Period 2014–2018 [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2019. – №4. P. 43-51. – URL: