Single article

Megrabyan O., Konkova A.

Features of treating patients with dental arch distal occlusion in different age-dependent perionds (review of literature)

Keywords: dental arch distal occlusion, nosotropic and semeiotic treatment principles, orthodontic appliance treatment, cervical vertebrae maturation stage

The purpose of this work is an overview of current treatment methods for dental arch distal occlusion in different age periods. The principles and methods of treating this anomaly depending on its nosotropic form, the age of the patient are highlighted. It is indicated that treatment started in the period of second dentition eruption is marked by significant advantages associated with the ability to modify the growth of dentomaxillofacial complex, which makes it possible to achieve stable results in distant time. The article also discusses the ways to camouflage dental arch distal occlusion in patients with completed growth of facial bones. Modern orthodontic appliances used for treating distal occlusion in different age periods are critically examined. Contradictory evidence on the effectiveness of this or that treatment protocol, lack of clear criteria for selecting orthodontic appliances define relevance of further studying the tactics of treating patients with dental arch distal occlusion.


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About authors

Konkova Alexandra Mikhailovna
orthodontist, City Pediatric Hospital № 3, Russia, Tyumen (; )
Megrabyan Olga Andreevna
pediatric dentistry and orthodontics department graduate student, Academician Ye.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University, Russia, Perm (; )

Article link

Megrabyan O., Konkova A. Features of treating patients with dental arch distal occlusion in different age-dependent perionds (review of literature) [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2018. – №4. P. 19-29. – URL: