Single article

Spiridonova T.

Experience of echography use in early diagnosis of obesity

Keywords: echography, a health center, risk factors, obesity

Studying the opportunities of ultrasonic methods in early diagnostics of obesity was the research objective. The screening group included 28135 people ranging 18-86 years of age who passed complex examination in the health center of state-financed institution «Municipal Hospital No. 1» of the Ministry of Public Health of Chuvashia. The main study group consisted of 196 working-age persons, of them 95 were men (48,5%) and 101 (51,5%) were women, control group was made of 40 persons. The average age of main group examinees made 39,1±8,17 years old, in control group it was 38,6±8,41 years old. In addition to standard complex examination performed in the health center all examinees of the main and control groups passed a complex echography assessment of fatty tissue using fatty tissue study technique developed by the author. Prevalence of obesity among persons of working-age is studied. Its place among risk factors of chronic noninfectious diseases is defined. A comparative analysis of subcutaneous and visceral fat echographic indicators depending on body weight class, their dependence on cholesterol and arterial pressure values is carried out. The parameters received are processed by standard methods of statistics, at p ≤ 0,05 values were considered statistically significant (they are confirmed by data of computer tomography). The results of study prove functionality and advisability of fatty tissue echography use in the algorithm of screening examinations of population owing to its high informative value, non-invasiveness and availability.


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About authors

Spiridonova Tatiana Konstantinovna
candidate of medical sciences, internal diseases propaedeutics with a course of radiation diagnosis department associate professor , Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Spiridonova T. Experience of echography use in early diagnosis of obesity [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2016. – №3. P. 32-38. – URL: