Single article

Krasnov M., Krasnov V., Budylina M.


Keywords: iodine deficiency, iodine prophylaxis, iodine deficiency disorders, diffuse goiter, adolescents

One of the major ecological issues in the world is naturally associated iodine deficiency in the biosphere. Iodine deficiency disorders are among the most widespread human noninfectious diseases. In the last few years, the issue of iodine deficiency disorders has been recognized as urgent all over the world, both in medical and social aspects. Broad-scale epidemiological research, conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation, revealed a high prevalence of goiter in children’s population, and the occurrence of iodine deficiency at various degrees of manifestation. The paper presents the current state of iodine deficiency gravity on the territory of the Chuvash Republic and the principles of providing iodine prophylaxis for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers living in areas of iodine deficiency. These principles can be used as guidance in practice and in the process of training and retraining doctors and nurses.


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About authors

Krasnov Mikhail Vasilyevich
doctor of medical sciences, pediatrics department head, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Krasnov Vladimir Mikhailovich
doctor of medical sciences, professor, deputy director, Health Department of the Western Administrative District of Moscow, Russia, Moscow (; )
Budylina Marina Valerievna
candidate of medical sciences, pediatrics and pediatric surgery department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Krasnov M., Krasnov V., Budylina M. THE ISSUE OF IODINE DEFICIENCY IN CHUVASH REPUBLIC [Electronic resource] // Acta medica Eurasica. – 2015. – №3. P. 23-35. – URL: